Big Surprise, a new single from Carbon/Silicon, is now available to download on iTunes.
We asked young film makers Sebastian Pacher, Oleg Tolstoy and Peter Bennett to come up with a film to go with the new recording Big Surprise and gave them a completely free hand in what they shot. Both Mick and I love the resulting video as it so perfectly captures the diversity of people’s lives – the hope, joy and reality of every day existence and that feeling that you just never know what tomorrow may bring. There is a real substance to the work filmed here and every face tells a story. I’ve watched the film dozens of times and am always touched by the people who agreed to be involved in it and I’d like to thank them for sharing a moment with us. Life really is a big surprise.
I love this song and I believe it is a magical vocal of such empathy from Mr Jones, one of his best ever recorded.
– Tony James